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Virtual Dinosaur



Ages: 5up
Instructor: Debi
Time: Monday May 25 / 10-11am via ZOOM
Pickup Kits: Tues-Fri 10-4
Fee: $5 per kit


Kit includes: 2 dinosaur bodies and 4 legs, an assortment of foam, cardboard and paper pieces, yarn and buttons

Will also need:

  • drawing tools (markers, crayons)

  • scissors

  • glue

Procedure Notes:

1. Check out materials in your kit! Spread everything out so you know what you have.

2. Consider organizing by color, or maybe texture.

3. We’ll start by adding color to the cardboard surface. Use your markers, crayons, or both to begin defining your dinosaur. Your color choices might suggest realism, or fantasy. Make a variety of marks (long,short, curved or straight) to suggest texture. Add color to all sides! This is a three dimensional piece so we’ll want to look at all sides.

4. Cut colored shapes to add another layer of texture to your dinosaur. You might create a pattern with the pieces, or apply them in a randomly creating an energetic composition. Consider gluing one side of the dinosaur one. While glue is drying glue pieces on one side of dinosaur 2, then back to the next side of the first dinosaur, etc..

5. You can add embellishments to the legs too. Also might want to cut animal toes on the dinosaurs. Oh, and buttons for eyes :)

6. After glue is set, insert legs into slits of dinosaur bodies. See your sculpture come alive!

Later Event: June 18
MAG Makers: Burlap Sunflower