4th Saturdays Farmer's Market
MAG Artists! Please let us know if you have any interest in having a tent (or sharing a tent with another artist) on our Artist Spotlight date. Call or email the office ASAP.
MAG Artists! Please let us know if you have any interest in having a tent (or sharing a tent with another artist) on our Artist Spotlight date. Call or email the office ASAP.
Barb Fielder / MAG Market cards
Join us as we celebrate the holidays & the opening of our MAG Members: Small Works exhibit. The Market will be filled with holiday items & yummy treats.
Gift wrapping is available.
Join us at our Art Market as we Shop Small Murray on the Saturday after Thanksgiving!
Gift wrapping is available!
(We will be closed Wednesday-Friday, November 27-29)
This year is the 43rd annual MAG Holiday Sale. This is a one day indoor sale of fine art and craft held at Murray’s SpringHill Suites (1512 N 12th Street -HWY 641 North). Saturday, Nov. 9, 9am - 5pm will bring 25+ vendors to the event. Welcoming new vendors and featuring some event favorites, items include jewelry, ceramics, books, fiber arts, fine art, seasonal items and more. The show is eclectic with a varied price range. One of Murray’s favorite holiday shopping events.
Sales support local artists as well as the MAG. This year, proceeds will support the Weaver Challenge.
It’s a great place for unique, hand-crafted gifts! Shop local. Buy handmade.
MAG is now accepting applications for our 43rd Annual Holiday Sale of Fine Art and Craft. After feedback from last year, we are moving the sale to the 2nd Saturday in November. But, we will return to SPRINGHILL SUITES, 1512 N 12th St. (HWY 641N). The location is accessible, easily recognizable, with great parking and a contemporary atmosphere.
Like last year, the event will be one day only and will end at 5pm. With rising cost for space, and the success of last year’s sale, we are again opting for a one day sale on Saturday Nov. 9, 9am - 5pm.
As in the past, we will work with one central checkout staffed by MAG. For 2024, we will keep last year’s commission rate. MAG will retain 25% of the first $1000 sold and 10% of sales that exceed $1000 for everyone, members and nonmembers alike. There is a $25 non-refundable application fee due with this application. These fees help offset the cost of the event space and marketing.
Please read thoroughly. Deadline for application is midnight August 31. The MAG Board of Directors will review DIGITAL submissions and notification will be sent via email by September 9. Keep the Exhibitor’s Information for your reference.
We welcome previous vendors, and are always looking for new exhibitors. Feel free to share this information with anyone you think might be interested!
Please note: Due to a lack of space in our temporary MAG location at 403 Maple St, we will not be able to automatically extend space for holiday sale vendors to be included in our regular art market like we have done in years past.
We are very excited about this event! It’ll be great to be back at Springhill Suites and with the quality of vendors that Murray supports, we should be all set for a great sale!
This is a fundraiser for MAG, as such we will only be accepting handcrafted items only.
As long as there are not significant changes to your work, all return artists or current artists in the Art Market will NOT have to go through the jury process. NEW exhibitors must submit up to 10 DIGITAL examples of the work they intend to sell at the Sale to murrayartguild@gmail.com. Any work not juried in will not be allowed at the sale--this will be strictly enforced. If your work includes several different items, please be sure to clarify this either with samples or in the written description. This is to ensure quality as well as diversity in the show. Work must be handmade, with limited manufactured components. Submit up to 10 DIGITAL images for jury. Optional to include an image of your set up.
Either pay & fill out the registration form or return the letter of agreement, with the nonrefundable $25 application fee (payable to Murray Art Guild) along with emailed, digital work examples by August 31. Applicants will be notified via email, unless other arrangements have been made, no later than September 9th of results. Each exhibitor must pay an application fee. Groups are welcome to apply, but each individual will need to submit an entry form/fee.
Each individual item must have a price tag attached with the price, description, and exhibitor’s name clearly marked. MAG will retain 25% commission of the first $1000 sold & 10% of sales that exceed $1000 for everyone, members and nonmembers alike.
All money from sales will be collected and logged at a central collection table staffed by authorized MAG staff. We will provide a receipt book so that you can send an appropriately marked receipt (your name and item description) with your items to central check out. This is also the best way for you to track your sales. Vendor checks will be available no later than Tuesday, Nov 19th.
6’ x 30” booth table, and access to electricity. Exhibitors should provide their own appropriately adorned tables and/or display racks; from our experience, presentation does count! (Some tables are available at the facility for vendor’s use. They are offered on a first come first serve basis so do indicate on your application if needed.) Each exhibitor will be allowed a minimum table space of 3’W x 6’L. We must know the size of your set up 2 weeks prior to the show. Some artists choose to exhibit together, combining display areas to one larger display. If you are working with a group, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate needs. Extra inventories, storage boxes, etc., must be kept out of sight. Due to safety concerns, tablecloths may not pool or drape on the floor. Set-up areas should be professionally displayed. All work is expected to be clean and presentable. Exhibitor’s displays should be staffed for all hours of the Holiday Sale. Volunteers will be on hand to relieve vendors as needed for breaks.
Set up is Saturday Nov. 9, 7am - 8:30am. If there is a conflict, let us know as soon as possible. There is no time for “last minute sets-ups” during the event. Please adjust your schedules well enough in advance to avoid a disappointing situation for all of us.
In light of the fact that we have to limit the number of exhibitors, we ask that notification of cancellation be made no later than October 13. The $25 application fee is non-refundable. Exhibitors who do not give notification will be charged a space fee of $100 if the Guild is unable to fill the vendor’s reserved space in time for the sale. Consideration will be given to emergency situations.
Exhibitors are expected to leave their area clean and remove all of their equipment only after 5pm on Saturday when the sale ends. We realize by the end of the show everyone is tired and anxious to go, but early take down doesn’t reflect well on anyone and may result in a rejected entry the following year.
MAG will provide snacks and drinks to vendors in the adjacent hospitality area throughout most of the event, including lunch. The hospitality room will close at 4pm on Saturday.
Several options are available for participation. A solo exhibitor area or, if you are interested in exhibiting but may not have the inventory for a solo space, we will be glad to help partner exhibitors. Making the best effort to accommodate as many exhibitors as possible, some outside areas may be used. If you are specifically interested in outdoor space, please indicate on your application.
If you have any questions, you may contact Debi Henry Danielson at (270) 753-4059 or murrayartguild@gmail.com
August 31, midnight / submissions due $25, images & form murrayartguild.org for payment, murrayartguild@gmail.com for images
September 9/ notification emails
October 13 / last day to cancel without a fee / (270) 753-4059
November 9 / Saturday / show time
Set Up 7:00am - 8:30am Springhill Suites Chestnut room
Open to the Public 9:00am - 5:00pm Springhill Suites Chestnut room
Pack Up 5:00pm - 6:00pm Springhill Suites Chestnut room
Tuesday Nov 19 / checks available at MAG, or we’ll put them in the mail. (We will email you if checks are available earlier.)
Partial scholarship to Murray State University School of Art and Design’s Summer Art Workshop.
Midnight Sunday March 17, 2024
Rising 9th through current 12th grader.
Please email the following information to murrayartguild@gmail.com
Student's Info
Student's name
Address, City, State, Zip
Parent's email
Phone number
High School
Art teacher's name and email address
From the student: a one paragraph statement expressing their interest in the camp, including any financial need.
From a teacher(art or otherwise): a one paragraph statement supporting the student’s interest in the arts, ability to attend and complete the workshop, and their financial need.
Statements should be attached to the email and should include the student’s name and contact information.
We did it, 250+ bowls complete and event ready! The Empty Bowls Dinner event is scheduled through Murray Calloway County Need Line and held at the Murray Calloway County Park Playhouse deck—$20. Check with Need Line for tickets and event details: 270-753-6333.
FRIDAY / JUNE 30 / 6-8PM
kids’ crafts
membership drive
This is a fee free event, come. It's come and go in whatever direction fits. Come by foot, bike, car or ride Murray Calloway County Transit. Two buses will be running a loop throughout the evening. We appreciate the partnership with Murray State University and the support of The Willow Bistro & Murray State University Town & Gown.
2023 Exhibitions:
• Murray Art Guild / 500 N 4th Street /Hope in Blue by Isaiah Kennedy
• Murray Convention & Visitors Bureau / 206 South 4th St/ Proofs
• Clara M Eagle Gallery / Price Doyle Fine Arts – 7th Floor / 15th Street: / Exhibits TBA
• Shaffer Square /Night of 1000 Drawings / Fundraiser for Mayfield’s Ice House Gallery
2018 Art Hop @ Jerry Speight’s Gallery, 18th Flamingo
SAVE THE DATE 4/30/2022
This is a fee free event, come. It's come and go in whatever direction fits. Come by foot, bike, car or ride Murray Calloway County Transit. Two buses will be running a loop throughout the evening. We appreciate the partnership with Murray State University and the support of Dr. Brad Robertson, DMD, Dwain Taylor Chevrolet, MSU Town and Gown, and The Willow Bistro.
2022 Exhibitions
• Murray Art Guild / 500 N 4th Street /Proofs , location 1
• Gallery 109 & Fairbanks Studio / 109 N 3rd Street / TBA
• Murray Convention & Visitors Bureau / 206 South 4th St / Proofs, location 2
• Clara M Eagle Gallery / Price Doyle Fine Arts – 7th Floor / 15th Street: / Exhibits TBA
Example of community circle painting
What: Collaborative creative experience creating a giant circle painting. The circle has been used worldwide, across cultures and throughout time, to express ideas of unity, stability, infinity, wholeness and balance. Join MAG Community Art Center as we work to create a collaborative experience of painting circles of many colors, shapes and sizes. No experience required. Everyone is welcomed, and encouraged to create!
Will be working individually or in small family groups. (social distanced)
We will be documenting the process.
When: Fridays in July / Noon-4pm (weather permitting)
By appointment. Contact MAG office
Acrylic paints (plan attire accordingly - it won’t wash out)
Primed Canvas
Pick one brush and one color and begin painting big circles on the canvas.
Move around and paint a variety of different size circles.
Maybe change brushes and colors.
Paint circles inside of circles.
When canvas begins to fill, start creating patterns with circles.
Start layering circles on top of circles.
Add smaller details. (dots, spirals, radial designs)
We’ll keep painting circles, adding all colors and sizes creating layers of circle patterns. You may want to add finishing touches of black or white outlines and dots.
FRIDAY / 8-4
Join us for a Rebate Night / Fundraiser @ TAP 216 in Murray!
Rebate on all food purchases from 4-9pm to the MAG
Live Music
Silent auction on gift baskets
Monster Draw
Wine tasting (purchase ticket @ Tap 216)
For Instructions about how to create this project: CLICK HERE!
This'll be fun!
Join us Saturday, Nov 18 @ the MAG from 6-9pm for a fun "White Elephant" Art-stravaganza of an evening. Kate & Bob Lochte have decided to let go of some of their infamous and eclectic art pieces for this fundraiser supporting WKMS & MAG.
For $25, you get to pick a wrapped art piece off the wall (no peeking!). The next guest can choose to "steal" your art or pick another blind selection. It's all in the name of fun for good causes.
Will you wind up with the eggplant-wielding nude? The Mexican wall hangings? The roses painted on silk? Anything's possible at this eclectic (And how!) evening of art and adventure. Wine included.
Image from MAG's first art exhibit @ The Hitching Post in Aurora, KY1968
Come join us as we celebrate 50 years of art! This will be a Retrospective Exhibit, with artwork from members from 1967-1917. Food, music, silent auction & fun!
Held at the Robert O'Miller Center, 201 South 4th Street, Murray, KY
Bring your family! Bring a chair! Join us in celebrating the MAG's 50 years of community arts development in the Murray area!!
(270) 753-4059 | murrayartguild@gmail.com | PO Box 382, 403 Maple Street, Murray, KY 42071
WINTER HOURS: Tues. - Fri. 10am - 5pm | Sat. 10am-2pm